NPUSC COVID Protocol Update 9.7.2021
Dear NPUSC Families and Staff,
NPUSC has recently reviewed Governor Holcomb’s most recent Executive Order, issued September 2nd. This order extends quarantining expectations through at least the end of September, but also provides exemptions from quarantining close contacts for schools with consistent mask wearers.
After consulting with the LaPorte County Health Department, NPUSC will continue to have a Mask Optional Policy unless a school is trending towards or reaches a 5% positive rate. Also, NPUSC will no longer quarantine close contacts that meet any ONE of the following criteria:
- The close contact of a COVID positive person has been VACCINATED
- The close contact of a COVID positive person was wearing (covering nose and mouth) a mask all school day
- The close contact of a COVID positive person has had COVID-19 in the past 90 days, verified by a physician
In summary, while NPUSC will continue to be mask optional, anyone who consistently chooses to wear a mask WILL NOT BE SUBJECT TO QUARANTINE WHEN IN CLOSE CONTACT OF A PERSON THAT WAS COVID POSITIVE. Remember that a person meeting any of the above criteria may need to quarantine if showing multiple symptoms of COVID-19.
NPUSC is asking any family that chooses to have their students wear masks daily in the classroom to submit their intent for daily mask wearing through the Google Doc link below:
NPUSC will be responsible for verifying daily mask wearing in classrooms while contact tracing per the Governor’s Executive Order. Students found to be wearing masks inconsistently in the classroom will be subject to quarantine in a close contact situation unless they meet one of the other two exemption criteria listed above. Finally, NPUSC will continue to contact trace and notify families of those in contact with a COVID positive person, even if the close contact meets criteria for an exemption from quarantining
Going forward, students and staff who test positive for COVID will need to be isolated for 10 days from the date of the test and return to school on day 11 per the most recent health department guidance.
Students and staff who choose not to wear a mask, are not vaccinated and/or have not tested positive for COVID within the previous 90 days (and recovered) will continue to be quarantined as follows:
- Quarantine for 7 days, return on day 8 with negative test on day 5, 6 or 7 wearing a mask days 8-14
- Quarantine for 10 days, return on day 11 (no test needed) wearing a mask days 11-14
- Quarantine for 14 days, return on day 15 (no test needed); mask optional on their return to school
Information about the NPUSC Return to School Plan and COVID Dashboard can be found at
Please contact my office or Kathy Zielke, NPUSC Director of Health Services, if you have any questions.
Dr. Paul White
Superintendent, New Prairie United School Corporation
5327 North Cougar Road
New Carlisle, In 46552