High Ability Program

The New Prairie United School Corporation’s vision is to provide a quality education  for all students.

The Corporation recognizes that we have many high-achieving students.  Some high achieving students may meet nationally recognized criteria for high ability identification. These students, from all racial, ethnic and social economic groups, perform at, or have the potential of performing at, outstanding levels of  accomplishments in one or more academic area when compared to other students  of the same age, experience, or environment.  These students may show exceptional talent in math and/or language arts.  NPUSC recognizes that in order to provide a  quality education for these students, it must identify exceptional ability or the  potential for high ability in its students using ability and achievement measures, and  it must continue to develop their identified areas of talent.

NPUSC employees will use best practices in gifted education to modify, extend, and  enrich the core curriculum for these students in order to meet their academic,  emotional, and social needs.  The core curriculum for high ability students may be  modified using compacting and acceleration so it is at an appropriate pace.  The core  curriculum for high ability students may be modified using enrichment, problem  solving activities, open-ended activities, exposure to advanced content, creative  thinking activities, and higher order questioning in order to provide appropriate  challenge.  The core curriculum may also be modified to include in-depth learning of  topics in order to allow students to pursue possible areas of interest.  After school  co-curricular and extra-curricular activities enrich and extend the curriculum and  allow for students to pursue special areas of interest.

NPUSC is committed to providing instructional staff training and resources that will  enhance the learning process for its high ability students.

As the High Ability Coordinator, I work as the liaison between all stakeholders in  order to meet the needs of our high ability students.   Documents relating to  NPUSC’s High Ability Program can be found to the right.   For further information,  you can contact me at catherinesaylor@npusc.k12.in.us.


Catherine Saylor

High Ability Links

High Ability Documents

Documentos de alta capacidad