e-Learning Flex Day FAQs
How is eLearning monitored and verified?
Accountability for students and their mastery of instructional goals relies on the assessment of work, as it always has been. As in the traditional classroom, teachers assess the students’ work and will know if students have met the instructional goals for the day. Student work and attendance will be verified through their communication with teachers by Google Classroom (K-4) and Schoology (5th-12th). The most important attribute involving the progression of learning is determined through formative and summative assessments. The actual amount of time online is less important than the work produced and/or created by the student to demonstrate learning and mastery of learning targets.
Why did NPUSC pursue the idea of eLearning days?
NPUSC is providing eLearning days to allow students the opportunity to engage educationally outside of the traditional school day. This will amplify the success of the district’s ongoing 1:1 digital learning initiative by furthering our commitment to providing the best educational opportunities for all students at NPUSC. The goal of the initiative is to provide students with instruction that enhances the skills needed to succeed in a technological world. This is our first year to pilot the program and we will evaluate the results/feedback after this school year.
Did the school district research eLearning formats in other school districts?
Yes, a team of over 30 district educators and administrators engaged in research and analysis of other school districts’ learning processes.
What is the difference between a Flex Day and an eLearning Inclement Weather Day?
- Flex Day: Teachers report to their school building for Professional Development and students are provided with a virtual eLearning format.
- eLearning Inclement Weather Day: Neither teachers nor students will report to school due to inclement weather. The first three inclement weather days in the NPUSC calendar will be a traditional “call off” and no eLearning will take place. The 4th and 5th snow cancellation day would be then utilized for an eLearning inclement weather day. We would not have an eLearning day if there was a State of Emergency established within our community.
How are teachers and/or schools preparing for our first Flex Days?
Each school will practice, correspond, and work with students/parents to carry out each building’s instructional initiatives on a Flex Day.
What can you expect for Students on a Flex Day?
- Students may begin working on their assignments and/or virtual tasks starting at 9:00 am and teachers will be available to correspond, support, and discuss any questions until 3:00 pm.
- Teachers will be using Google Classroom (K-4) and Schoology (5th-12th) to correspond with students regarding their assignments/tasks throughout the Flex Day.
What type of instructional content and classwork is expected on a virtual option day?
- K-1st grade students will be task-focused and given technology links to work on skills and standards.
- Grades 2nd-4th will incorporate technology submitted work that focuses on skills and standards.
- 5th grade will use Schoology and app-based platforms to meet grade-level skills and standards.
- Grades 6th-12th will continue to use Schoology to distribute, discuss, and upload assignments.
- Every student will receive grade-level appropriate assignments/tasks from their elective and/or specials teachers they would meet with on that scheduled day.
How much time per class will teachers assign?
- As a general guideline…
- Elementary students would have approximately 2-3 hours of assignments including specials and support classes.
- Secondary students would have approximately 3-4 hours of assignments including specials and support classes.
What if a student is unable to connect to the Internet?
- We are aware that not all students have Internet access at home. If you do not have WIFI access, your student can attend Prairie View Elementary during the Flex Day if registered in advance (see application below). If you wish for your student not to attend Prairie View Elementary, there are many local establishments that offer complimentary WIFI services, including the New Carlisle Public Library.
- If for some reason your child cannot access WIFI, there will be a two school day grace period given to make up their work. This would allow students without an Internet connection to have the opportunity to complete work and/or make arrangements to utilize free wireless Internet within our community or any of our NPUSC school buildings.
How will attendance be tracked?
- The Indiana Department of Education requires we take student attendance on both the Flex Days and eLearning Days. In order for a student not to be counted absent, they have to communicate with each teacher during the 9:00 am-3:00 pm time slot or before the end of the evening on the eLearning day. If students have multiple teachers, they need to correspond with each of them to be marked present for each class. If they do not do this, they will be counted absent. Correspondence will be completed within the Google Classroom (K-4) or Schoology (5th-12th).
- If they do not finish the assignment and/or assigned task during the 9:00 am-3:00 pm time slot, we will not mark your child absent. We are required to give a time frame for the students to make up their work in case they do not have WIFI, and this would be the two school days. If a student does not complete their assignments and/or tasks, their teacher’s homework policy will go into effect.
What if my student needs technical support during a Flex Day?
To help accommodate students with any technical challenges or questions, we will have hotline support systems open from 9:00am-3:00pm for each one of our school buildings. These questions and/or challenges should be technical, not instructional. All instructional questions should be directed to your student’s teacher(s).
- Olive Elementary — 574-654-0427 or 219-778-1491
- Prairie View Elementary — 219-778-1485 or 574-654-0496
- Rolling Prairie Elementary — 219-778-1436 or 574-654-0497
- NP Middle School — 574-654-0468 or 219-778-1445
- NP High School — 574-654-0469 or 219-778-1496
What if a student does not have their iPad at home during an eLearning day?
If a student has another electronic device (computer, cell phone, kindle, etc) at home, they may use that to log on to either Google Classroom or Schoology to communicate with their teachers. Assignments are still due within two school days.
Will eLearning days impact any after school events/activities?
Scheduled Flex Days will not impact after school events/activities, however, the activities will begin after 3:00 pm on those scheduled days. An inclement eLearning day may or may not be impacted and will be determined on a student safety basis.
What if my child participates in AK Smith classes?
Buses will run as usual for AK Smith students and they are expected to attend the onsite classes in Michigan City. In the afternoon, students will be able to login to their PM classes through Schoology and correspond with their NPUSC teachers.
How will we accommodate students with IEPs and ILPs in a virtual option?
- Our school corporation has worked closely with our corresponding special education cooperative as well as our ELL Coordinator. Here are the steps in place to support our special education students. These steps were aligned directly from the IDOE guidance for virtual learning.
- In these instances, assistance will be given to meet needs and IEP and ILP goals. Teacher of record will make contact with the students and classroom teachers on virtual learning days.
- Students will be contacted in the morning to inform them concerning accommodations and modifications about the assignments.
- Any service minutes missed due to eLearning/Flex Day will be addressed on an individual basis.